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​​My name is Melanie Swann.  I am a Redbird through and through and I am blessed to be teaching here at CJHS.  I teach 7th grade English and the elective DUSO.  DUSO stands for Developing and Understanding Self and Others.  I graduated from FCHS in 1997 and continued my educational career at Blackburn College in Carlinville, Il.  I have taught kindergarten, 6th grade, Middle School and now I teach at the Junior High. 

​​It is important that your child is excited and ready for the changes they are getting ready to experience. CJHS is a wonderful school and I am sure their year will be filled with many marvelous memories. To ensure they do their best, make sure they follow the Redbird Code.

Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn

Each day students need to come to class prepared. They will need a pencil, highlighter, composition notebook, folder, loose leaf paper, and a flah drive.

Students need to make sure they bring their composition notebooks with them to class each day. They will use them to complete the bell ringer and to study for their weekly vocabulary quiz.